Sunday, June 1, 2008

Furballs and fatigue.

So... I think it's time for a couple of kittens. Even though they shed, poop, puke, and scratch (the charming qualities that have deterred me up to this point), these days I could use an extra dose of cute and hilarious in my life. What do you think, Lymph and Node? Maligna and Tumor? Hodgkin and 'Phoma?

And while on how cuddly 'phoma is, I've noticed that I'm getting super tired in the early evenings. Friday night I went to bed at 7:30, didn't wake up until 8:30 Saturday morning. That's really unlike me. And my entire upper right quadrant aches just about all the time, from the back of my head to my jaw, down my shoulder to my elbow. (I'm so glad it does hurt, though. It's rare for Hodgkin's to cause any pain at all. If that lump hadn't ached a month and a half ago, I know I wouldn't have noticed.) Hate to say it, but I can't wait to get this chemo party started. 

1 comment:

Rianna Blosser said...

How about naming them something more positive like: Mighty and Sir Vivor? lol